Changing destiny
Rise of the underdog
Breathtaking design for home living.
Drivers deserve to rise two levels in life socially and financially and they shall achieve it
Breathtaking design for home living.
Drivers deserve to rise two levels in life socially and financially and they shall achieve it
Drivers deserve to rise two levels in life socially and financially and they shall achieve it
Bridging the Gap
Abolish Fare Control
Abolish Permit System
Abolish Absurd Laws
Issues ?
Chaalak Shakti Is Currently Working On
“I have spoken to many passengers and drivers alike on various issues and the regulatory regime they operate in. We are astounded to learn of the many challenges, difficulties and issues confronted by a driver on road. The system is itself exploitative. Your website helps me see drivers in a new light. They have my vote if they aspire to a new improved and forward-looking life.”

Rajiv Kumar
President, Pardashita

Change begins with our citizens supporting right issues and campaigns
A society progresses when people in a privilege pull up their brethren who are at a disadvantage, and when they have no personal stake in the rise of a people facing misfortune.Large scale reforms in society have come from galvanizing of masses around a core very powerful idea. “Rise of the Underdog” is one such idea that can impact half of the country’s population.
Doubling their incomes is our foremost objective
Uplifting from lower to middle class status